Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Airgun Collector magazine

Members of AirgunBBS, together with some US enthusiasts, have got together to produce a brilliant magazine on airgun collecting. It covers a wide range of air rifles and pistols, but of particular interest to Feinwerkbau collectors is a piece by D R Hughes, who led the way in importing high quality German airguns into the UK in the 1960s and 70s, and also wrote a handbook for the Model 124/127 Sport, amongst other rifles.

The magazine can be downloaded free as a Pdf from sources listed on the link above. Please note, I had no part in producing this magazine, credit must go to the contributors and Garvin of AirgunBBS who put it together. Thanks chaps! 

Friday, 9 August 2013

When was my FWB124/127 Sport made?

Whereas there exists a comprehensive list of serial numbers and production dates for the FWB300, comparatively little is available when it comes to the 124/127 Sport. What I have found is listed below, and comes from two discussions on AirgunBBS (1, 2). It appears that the Sport was in production from 1973 and 1989, and serial numbers were sequential, so for example a Model 121 was part of the same number sequence as a Model 127.

#10012 was made in 1977
#17023 was made in December 1978
#34476 was made in September 1980
#44001 was made in September 1981
#49992 was made in October 1982
#51631 was made in 1983
#52589 was made in May 1983

Mention is made of #5974 as being made in 1980; this is probably the result of a typo, as a date of 1980 would more likely fit in with serial number 25974.

FWB300S service

I took my 300S Junior to a local gunsmith for a service back in July, when it became clear that the piston buffer had rotted. Not having hea...